
Are you looking for a master thesis or an internship? Here are some ideas...

Big Data Visualization with d3.js

Intrusion and Advanced Persistent Threat detection systems analyze daily enormous amounts of data. The evidences produced by such systems need to be presented in a clear and understandable way to an analyst so he/she can easily filter out important suspicious behavior and what is just regular network traffic. To do this an intuitive and readable visualization of the data must be present for the expert.

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Deployable WiFi Mesh

In some circumstances (military operation, but also cultural event like a music festival), one may need to have a WiFi network that's quickly and easily deployed, and the same time secured and easy to monitor.

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Facial Recognition Prevention

Beyond the national defense, Belgian Defense is the mirror image of the country, and as such professionalism, credibility and reputation are of utmost importance. A public show of force are official ceremonies, parades, and the celebration of the national day, and many other events. These appearances symbolize the nation's strength, resilience, and commitment to its values.

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GitLab monitoring and security

GitLab is a powerful source code management software that allows to manage the complete DevOps lifecycle: it offers code management with git, jobs and pipelines to test and deploy the code, operations monitoring and issue tracking to plan the next release.

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