Security Operation

Offensive Security Incident Response
DAP/23-02 Autonomous Cyber Red Teaming System (ACRES) August 2024 August 2028 Automated Red Teaming Cyber Range Trainings Active
DAP/22-13 Automated red teaming for cyber range-based training August 2024 August 2028 Cyber Range Trainings Automated Red Teaming Scenario Generation Active
DAP/22-02 AI4Cyber August 2024 August 2028 Intrusion Detection Incident Response Active
DAP/24-05 Multi-agent System For Advanced Persistent Threat Detection January 2024 December 2027 Intrusion Detection Incident Response Active
DAP/23-05 Self Learning Attack surface Explorer (SLATE) June 2023 June 2027 Offensive Security Intrusion Detection Incident Response Active
DAP/22-E01 Development of an intrusive Linux capacity October 2021 October 2025 Offensive Security Malware Development Active
DAP/20-01 Security issues related to SS7 and Diameter June 2020 June 2025 Intrusion Detection Active
DAP/20-03 Building a multi-agent system for APT detection December 2019 December 2023 Intrusion Detection Finished
SIC/11 Distributed semi-supervised clustering for Advanced Persistent Threats detection June 2019 June 2022 Intrusion Detection Finished
SIC/12 Building a multi-agent system for APT detection August 2014 August 2018 Intrusion Detection Finished
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