SQL GET Injection

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SQL Nice Injection

An example web application that uses nice URL that can be hacked using SQL injection attack.

You can hack this app with sqlmap, using something like this:

sqlmap.py -u "*"

Try in Play with Docker

Try in PwD

Run with docker-compose

You can run the vulnerable app using docker-compose:

mkdir sql-nice-injection
cd sql-nice-injection
curl -o docker-compose.yml https://gitlab.cylab.be/cylab/play/sql-nice-injection/-/raw/main/docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up

After a few seconds, the app will be available at

Local testing

The repository has a docker-compose-dev.yml that you can use to test or contribute:

git clone https://gitlab.cylab.be/cylab/play/sql-nice-injection.git
cd sql-nice-injection
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
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