What is VoWiFI ("Wi-Fi Calling") ?

Mar 24, 2022 by Charles Beumier | 2280 views


1. What is VoWiFi (“Wi-Fi Calling”) ?

VoWiFi (also named “Wi-Fi Calling”) is Wi-Fi-based telephony provided by some network operators. This is useful when the 2G/3G/4G connection is poor. Compared to the wellknown Voice over IP (VoIP) without SIP account (e.g. free calls ‘inside’ Skype or WhatsApp), VoWiFi calls are usually billed as a regular call (check this with your operator). To keep it short, VoWiFi depends on your operator (and uses your SIM for authentication) while VoIP does not.


2. Can you use VoWiFi ?

Several conditions should be met to use Wi-Fi calling:

  • Your smartphone must be Wi-Fi calling capable. Your mobile operator certainly discloses a list of capable devices on its website.
  • Your subscription and SIM card must support Wi-Fi Calling (contact your operator). No special app is needed, but Wi-Fi Calling may be limited by the operator to the home country.
  • Your device software should be up to date.

3. To use VoWiFi:

  • check the conditions given in 2.
  • Set up the Wi-Fi Calling option to ‘On’, probably in the Setting ‘Parameters’ of the Call menu.
  • Don’t forget to activate your WiFi.

4. Smooth transition VoWiFi - VoLTE

If activated, VoWiFi will be used when the mobile connection is weak. But if the Wi-Fi connection is too weak, the phone switches to the mobile network. If 4G is available, the call will continue thanks to VoLTE (Voice over LTE (4G)). Such a transition is not possible with VoIP (Skype, WhatsApp). If Volte is not available, VoWiFi switches to 3G or 2G.

5. Just try it !

And call me at +32 123 456789.

NNNOOOOO, don’t do this ! It’s a wrong number anyway, but make the habit of thinking twice before calling a number you do not know. More and more malicious people try to get your money by letting you call back premium numbers.

By the way, check what a hacker can do with your IMSI: https://cylab.be/blog/202/mobile-phones-should-you-be-afraid-of-disclosing-your-imsi.

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