Linux kernel threads and processes management : task_struct

Jun 26, 2024 by Thibault Debatty | 879 views


In a previous blog post, I have shown how to create a Linux kernel module. This time I will show how the Linux kernel uses a task_struct to manage threads and processes. To illustrate, I will show how a kernel module can access and alter these, and thus also alter the inner working of the Linux kernel.



To illustrate this blog post, I will show you how to create and compile a kernel module that will alter the list of task_struct which the kernel uses to manage running threads and processes.

Warning: I strongly recommend running these experiments on a dedicated VM, as any mistake might crash or break your system, and cause data loss!

To compile this module you will need a few tools:

sudo apt install  -y build-essential libncurses-dev flex bison libelf-dev libssl-dev

And you'll also need the headers of the target kernel. If you are using the stock Ubuntu kernel, and want to compile the module for yourself, you can install these headers with:

sudo apt install linux-headers-`uname -r`


In the Linux kernel, each process and thread is described using a task_struct. Indeed, in Linux a thread is considered as a standard process that shares certain resources (like paging tables and signal handlers) with other processes.

The task_struct is defined in linux/sched.h. With the current version of the kernel (6.9.6), this starts at line 748:

This struct counts a lot of fields, some of which depend on kernel configuration options. For example, the CONFIG_SMP kernel configuration option enables kernel support for Symmetric Multi-Processing (hence support for computers with multiple CPUs), which appends required fields to the task_struct:


I let you check the documentation to find all available fields. Here are the main ones, which I'll use in my custom kernel module below:

  • pid is actually misleading : as the Linux kernel maintains a task_struct for each thread, the pid is actually the thread id;
  • tgid (Task Group ID) is the actual PID: you can also define this field as the pid of the main thread of each process;
  • comm is the executable name, excluding path, and limited to (usually) 16 characters.

Process tree

The task_struct contains different fields that allow to maintain and navigate the process tree:

  • task_struct *parent is a pointer to the task_struct of parent process;
  • list_head children is a doubly-linked list of children processes;
  • list_head sibling : processes that are all direct children of the same parent are maintained in the sibling doubly-linked list.


There are also other lists and pointers that are used for example to iterate of threads and processes:

  • task_struct *group_leader points to the main thread of group of threads (thus the task_struct representing the process);
  • list_head tasks is a doubly-linked list of all task_struct (all threads);

Finally, the task_struct contains a signal_struct *signal that itself keeps a doubly-linked list of threads, which is used to loop over the threads of the same process.

This makes looping over all processes and threads a little intricate, as we will see in the example below.

kernel module

In kernel space (in a kernel module), we can use the for_each_process_thread(p, t) macro to loop over all the threads (represented by a task_struct).

In the example below, I will loop over the tasks list to modify the name of the systemd process. To test and play, you can create a kernel module called tasks.c with the following content:

#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>


static int __init tasks_init(void)
    pr_info("%8s %8s %16s %8s", "PID", "TGID", "COMM", "PRIO");
    struct task_struct *p = NULL, *t = NULL;

    // use Read-copy-update (RCU) to lock the list while we
    // traverse
    for_each_process_thread(p, t) {

        // lock the process task_struct while we access fields
        pr_info("%8d %8d %16s %8d", t->pid, t->tgid, t->comm, t->prio);

        // change the name of systemd process
        if (strcmp(t->comm, "systemd") == 0) {
            strcpy(t->comm, "hidden");
    return 0;

static void __exit tasks_exit(void)


Just like in the previous blog post, you can create the following Makefile to build the code:

PWD := $(shell pwd)
KDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build/
obj-m += tasks.o

    make -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules

    make -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) clean

You can now build the module with:

make modules



To test our module, let's first look at the process tree:

pstree -a | head


Load the kernel module:

sudo insmod tasks.ko

Check kernel messages:

sudo dmesg


And use pstree again to check the new name of systemd:


Notice that we did not use any syscall to modify the kernel internal structures. This makes protection and detection more complicated, and is the principle of kernel rootkits.

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