MASFAD 2 at EDA CapTech Cyber

Jun 12, 2020 by Thibault Debatty | 2014 views

APT Detection MASFAD

Today we are proud to present the Multi-Agent System for APT Detection project (MASFAD 2) at the first meeting of the Capability Technology Area Cyber (CapTech Cyber) of the European Defense Agency (EDA).

You can download the presentation at

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What is Situation Awareness?
The constant stream of data produced daily, the complicated environment and the need for quick reaction to malicious attacks make the life of cyber defense analyst a living nightmare. Many wonder how are we supposed to be able to review the gigabytes of logs produced daily, how can we manage to analyze them all and extract valuable insight into what is happening in the network?
MITRE ATT&CK and the ATT&CK Matrix
Defining cyber attacks is a difficult task. They vary in origins, goals and, at first glance, the techniques used might seem very different. Luckily a popular model was defined by Lockheed Martin, still used to this day, which illustrates very well the lifecycle of a typical cyber attack. The Cyber Kill Chain, popular but controversial, defines the 7 principal steps of an attack. There have been many advances, since its original conception, one of which is the wildly acclaimed ATT&CK Matrix for Enterprise.
MARk: Visualizations with D3.js
Detecting suspicious or malicious activity in a network is not a trivial task. In recent years the attacks perpetrated have grown in sophistication and frequency. For this reason a new detection tool was developed, in the form of the Multi Agent Ranking framework (MARk). MARk sets the groundwork for the implementation of large scale detection and ranking systems through the implementation of a distributed storage in conjuncture with highly specialized, stand-alone detector agents. The detector agents are responsible for analyzing specific predefined characteristics and producing a report of any suspicious activity encountered.
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