Writing unit tests is considered a good development habit for numerous reasons. Indeed, unit tests guarantee that the code works as expected, and they prevent developers from accidentally breaking things. Finally, they allow to see how the program is improving with each new commit, and they can be used as documentation to show how the program should be used by others. In this blog post, we show a simple way to implement unit tests when you are writing C code.
ReadThe example below provides some sound configuration parameters for Apache, to help protect your web application. These values can naturally be tweaked for your particular app.
ReadSecure Software Development Laravel PHP
No. Setting HTTPS is not enough to ensure that your cookies are encrypted. But Laravel proposes some very simple ways to achieve that.
ReadSecure Software Development GitLab PHP Cyber-Wise
Learn how to secure any project with the GitLab SAST analyzers and easily separate the false positives from the real threats that should be addressed before deploying the project.
ReadPHP Secure Software Development
PHP Code Sniffer is a great tool to make sure your code is nicely written. Next to the default rules, you can also install and use additional rules (sniffs) to further enhance your code. Is here how to use PHPCS to detect (and remove) all unnecessary 'use' statements in your code.
ReadOnce you have https enabled for your website (with Letsencrypt for example), you should make sure all your users use the secure version of the site. Typically this done using a redirect. However this still leaves a window of opportunity (the initial HTTP connection) for an attacker to downgrade or redirect the request. With a Strict Transport Security header, you can force a browser to only connect to your server using HTTPS.
ReadLaravel Secure Software Development Docker Cyber-Wise
CSP (Content Security Policy) reduces the risk of cross-site scripting and other content-injection attacks by defining, at the level of the webserver, a header that whitelists authorized sources of content for your website.
ReadSecure Software Development Java
Besides avoiding bug and vulnerabilities in your own code base, creating a secure app requires you make sure that your app doesn't rely on a library that contains vulnerabilities. In any modern project, you will have hundreds of them! Here comes OWASP dependency check to the rescue!
ReadSecure Software Development GitLab
Mattermost is a wonderful messaging and collaboration tool for developer teams. It is also a great open source alternative to Slack. In this short blog post we show how to connect Mattermost and GitLab together.
ReadPHP Secure Software Development
If you are using composer to manage the dependencies of your PHP project (and you certainly should), it is very easy to end up using a lot of dependencies. And if your project lives long enough, some (or lots of them) will not be used anymore.
ReadMobile Device Security Secure Software Development
Usually, Android applications are written in Java (or, now, in Javascript) and compiled in a Dalvik bytecode (DEX file). Then, the bytecode is interpreted and executed by the Dalvik Virtual Machine.
ReadPHP GitLab Secure Software Development
In the PHP toolbox for testing, you'll often find phpunit for unit testing, PHP_CodeSniffer for code style analysis, and here we present PHPStan for static code analysis.