2020 in numbers

Jan 1, 2021 by Thibault Debatty | 1286 views



2020 was a special year for everybody. For us as well, but luckily in a good way: this year saw the realisation of a few achievements. Here is 2020 in numbers @ cylab.be...

For our research projects:

  • we hired 2 new researchers
  • we worked on 5 funded research projects
  • we published 3 conference papers

Regarding our teaching activities:

  • we taught 8 academic courses
  • we created more than 1000 slides of new course content
  • we supervised 3 master theses and 1 PhD thesis

On our website:

  • we wrote 48 posts for our blog
  • we received more than 120.000 visits

We wish you a happy 2021!

The cylab team

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