NATO Winter Meeting "Visual Analytics for Complex Systems"

Nov 18, 2024 by Thibault Debatty | 445 views

News Visual Analytics

This week we are pleased to host the winter meeting of NATO research group IST-184 “Visual Analytics for Complex Systems”. During 4 days participants from multiple NATO countries will exchange ideas and collaborate on topics like visual analytics for maritime operations, for cyber operations, COVID-19 and complex systems in general.


A complex system consists of different components which interact to produce outcomes which are not easily inferred from consideration of the characteristics of the component parts or even the union (the sum of) the component parts. It is thus difficult to infer the joint actions / interactions, and the behavior of a complex system as a whole, by analyzing the individual parts in isolation. Systems of systems increase further the complexity and the problems of analysis, gaining understanding and management.

The objectives of this Research Task Group (RTG) will be to develop and apply interactive Visual Analytics focused on analyzing and representing complex systems, the inter-relationships between different components and their behavior in complex systems. We propose to investigate and foster collaborations in complex system understanding to provide timely situational awareness for effective decision making. This will support diverse defence and security applications that share common challenges, such as:

  • Intelligence analysis and mission planning
  • Combat readiness and combatant safety
  • Cyber operations
  • Maritime operations
  • War gaming

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