Apr 2, 2019 by Thibault Debatty | 3717 views
SpotBugs is a fantastic tool to help you write beter java code! It performs static code analysis (SA) and uses a database of more then 400 bug patterns to detect potential bugs in your code.
It is also very simple to install and use: simply add the provided maven plugin in the build/plugins section your pom.xml:
<!-- SpotBugs : https://spotbugs.github.io/ -->
<!-- run with mvn spotbugs:check and mvn spotbugs:gui -->
To run SpotBugs, simply type
mvn spotbugs:check
SpotBugs even has a built-in GUI to help you analyze and fix the discovered bugs. You can run it by typing
mvn spotbugs:gui
If you want to automatically run SpotBugs during the build lifecycle, add an execution entry to your plugin:
<!-- SpotBugs : https://spotbugs.github.io/ -->
<!-- run with mvn spotbugs:check and mvn spotbugs:gui -->
This will run SpotBugs each time the verify phase is executed…
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