Notifications with toastr and Laravel

Jun 5, 2022 by Thibault Debatty | 5319 views


toastr is a JavaScript library that allows to display nice user notifications in your web application. In this blog post we will see how to integrate toastr in a Laravel project.



You can install toastr with npm:

npm install toastr

Then, in resources/js/app.js you can load the library, and define the default options:

// toastr
window.toastr = require('toastr');
window.toastr.options = {
  "progressBar": true

You can experiment different options on the online demo :

Likewize, in resources/sass/app.scss you can load the CSS code of toastr:

@import 'toastr';

Now you can rebuild the JS and CSS files of you app:

npm run prod

A first test

In one of your views, you can now test that toastr is installed correctly:

  window.addEventListener('load', function() {'Are you the 6 fingered man?');

This should display a notification similar to the one below:


Obviously, we would like to take advantage of Laravel sessions, so we can easily display notifications from our controllers... Therefore, we will add 2 components:

  1. a view snippet to display notifications from the session
  2. a helper class to save notification messages to the session

Displaying notifications from the session

To display notifications messages saved in the session, create a view snippet with the following content, in resources/views/snippets/toastr.blade.php for example:

    window.addEventListener('load', function() {
        @if (Session::has('toastr-info'))
            @foreach (Session::pull('toastr-info') as $message)
    '{{ $message }}');

        @if (Session::has('toastr-warning'))
            @foreach (Session::pull('toastr-warning') as $message)
    '{{ $message }}');

        @if (Session::has('toastr-success'))
            @foreach (Session::pull('toastr-success') as $message)
    '{{ $message }}');

        @if (Session::has('toastr-error'))
            @foreach (Session::pull('toastr-error') as $message)
    '{{ $message }}');

In your main layout (usually resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php), you can include this snippet with


Helper class

To easily save notification messages to the session, create a class app/Toastr.php with the following content:


namespace App;

 * Helper class to display notifications with toastr
 * @author Thibault Debatty
class Toastr {
    public static function info(string $msg)
        session()->push('toastr-info', $msg);

    public static function warning(string $msg)
        session()->push('toastr-warning', $msg);

    public static function success(string $msg)
        session()->push('toastr-success', $msg);

    public static function error(string $msg)
        session()->push('toastr-error', $msg);


Now, from anywhere in your code, you can display notifications with:

AppToastr::info("This is an info message....");
AppToastr::warning("This is a warning....");
AppToastr::success("This is a success message....");
AppToastr::error("This is an error message....");

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