
The Laravel framework.

Get started with Laravel Sail

Laravel PHP Docker

Running an complete Laravel development environment requires multiple services: web server, database server, queue worker etc. Laravel Sail helps you install and use all these using docker containers. Here is how to use it...

Use docker-compose to create a dev environment for Laravel 6, 7 and 8

Laravel Docker PHP

Setting up a Laravel environment requires to install and configure multiple components: the correct PHP version, of course, but also a database, node server, probably queue worker and scheduler. To get you quickly started, here is how to deploy a dev environment for Laravel with docker compose.

Fully customizable emails using Laravel 9

PHP Laravel Cyber-Wise

With the release of Laravel 9, the Swift Mailer (that is no longer maintained) has been replaced by the Symfony Mailer. You can already find some useful information about this change along all the other ones in the Upgrade Guide from Laravel 8.x to 9.0. However this guide does not contain enough information if you want to send fully customized emails. This blog post proposes you a solution coming directly from the Symfony documentation!

Share on Mastodon with shareon.js

JavaScript Laravel Fediverse

With recent events on Twitter, the micro-blogging network Mastodon has gained a lot of interest. Unlike Twitter, Mastodon is free and open-source software. Moreover, Mastodon uses a decentralized approach: the Mastodon network is composed of multiple instances managed by different suppliers, each with its own code of conduct, terms of service, privacy policy, privacy options, and moderation policies. If you want to support the network, here is how you can add 'Share on Mastodon' icons on your website.

2-factor authentication for Laravel using TOTP


2-factor authentication is an important protection for a web application. In this blog post we see how Time based One Time Password (TOTP) authentication works, and how it can be implemented in a Laravel application...

File upload, validation and storage with Laravel

Laravel Cyrange

Laravel is a powerful framework, that offers all functionalities required to implement file upload, validation and storage. Here is a complete and concrete example.

Syntax highlighting with prism.js for your Laravel application


Prism is a light and easy javascript library that allows to integrate code highlighting in your web application. Here is how to install and use it with Laravel...

Notifications with toastr and Laravel


toastr is a JavaScript library that allows to display nice user notifications in your web application. In this blog post we will see how to integrate toastr in a Laravel project.

Laravel action/access control with policies

Laravel PHP

When developing a web application with Laravel, you will usually have to deal with different users, that have different permissions. If the application is quite simple, with only 2 types of users (administrators that are almighty and regular users that have no permission) you can use a middleware to protect your administrator's area. In this blog post we look at Laravel policies, that allow fine-grain control of user actions.

Secure Cookies with Laravel

Secure Software Development Laravel PHP

No. Setting HTTPS is not enough to ensure that your cookies are encrypted. But Laravel proposes some very simple ways to achieve that.

Laravel optimization : self-hosted fonts


By default, Laravel (and Bootstrap) applications use fonts (like Nunito or Raleway) that are provided and hosted by Google. This is easy to use for developers, but comes with some drawbacks, including a performance penalty. Luckily, there is an open source project that makes it simple to use self-hosted fonts:

Laravel optimization : reduce CSS size


CSS files are a render blocking resource: the browser waits for your CSS files to be downloaded before rendering the page. This means that, as long as the browser is downloading CSS, the user is waiting in front of a black page...

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