Jan 4, 2020 by Thibault Debatty | 3944 views
phpVirtualBox is a well known web interface for managing virtual machines. There is however another less known library that allows to manage virtual machines from your own PHP applications : php-vbox-api. The API allows you to do stuff like:
$vbox = new VBox($username, $password);
// a single .ova may contain multiple machines
$vms = $vbox->import("/path/to/image.ova");
$vm = $vms[0];
$vm->setMemorySize(512); // MB
$adapter = $vm->getNetworkAdapter(0);
The library itself is best installed using composer:
composer require cylab/php-vbox-api
You will of course have to download and install VirtualBox.
In VirtualBox, each virtual machine is a separate user process. So it is usually best to create a dedicated user for running your VM’s :
sudo adduser vbox
Then add this new user to the vbox group so it will be allowed to run virtual machines :
sudo adduser vbox vbox
Finally, you have to activate the VirtualBox Web Service.
Therefore, you have to create the file /etc/default/virtualbox and indicate which user should be used to run your machines:
You can now start the VirtualBox Web Service:
sudo service vboxweb-service restart
By default the web service will be listening on port 18083 :
Connecting to VirtualBox
$vbox = new VBox("vbox", "passord-of-vbox-user");
List all machines
$vms = $vbox->allVMs();
foreach ($vms as $vm) {
echo $vm->getName() . "
echo $vm->getUUID() . "
Modify a VM
$vm = $vbox->findVM("name or UUID");
// do a clean shutdown
// do a hard shutdown
// destroy the VM
You can find more examples on https://gitlab.cylab.be/cylab/php-vbox-api
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