May 13, 2020 by Thibault Debatty | 5570 views
PHP Secure Software Development
If you are using composer to manage the dependencies of your PHP project (and you certainly should), it is very easy to end up using a lot of dependencies. And if your project lives long enough, some (or lots of them) will not be used anymore.
Keeping these unused dependencies has drawbacks:
Luckily, there is an easy solution to detect these unused dependencies: Insolita unused-scanner
composer require --dev insolita/unused-scanner
You will first have to create a configuration file. You can name it unused-scanner.php for example. Here is a typical example:
$projectPath = __DIR__;
// Declare directories which contains php code
$scanDirectories = [
$projectPath . '/app/',
// Optionally declare standalone files
$scanFiles = [
return [
'composerJsonPath' => $projectPath . '/composer.json',
'vendorPath' => $projectPath . '/vendor/',
'scanDirectories' => $scanDirectories,
'scanFiles' => $scanFiles,
// whitelisted packages
'skipPackages' => ['laravel/tinker', 'guzzlehttp/guzzle'],
The, you can run the scanner:
vendor/bin/unused_scanner unused-scanner.php
If unused dependencies have been detected, you can either:
composer remove cylab/system
Finally, don’t forget to add this test to your gitlab-ci.yml:
image: cylab/php72
- COMPOSER_CACHE_DIR=composer-cache composer install
- vendor/bin/unused_scanner unused-scanner.php
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