Cylab Play

Cylab Play platform and vulnerable apps

SQLMap : additional techniques

Offensive Security Cylab Play

In a previous blog post, we have explained what SQL injection is, and how to exploit it using sqlmap. In this blog post, we will show some additional techniques: how to exploit web applications that use clean URLs, how to exploit a POSTed form, how to hide traces etc.

Web shells and the dangers of unrestricted file upload

Cylab Play Offensive Security

In previous blog posts, we have already illustrated two web application vulnerabilities: brute force login cracking and SQL injection. In this post we illustrate a 3rd vulnerability, unrestricted file upload, and show how it can be exploited using a web shell.

Crack a login page : the easy way

Offensive Security Cylab Play

In this blog post, we will show that a login page from a web application can be easily cracked if the application does not implement specific protections against this kind of attack.

SQL injection with SQLMap

Offensive Security Cylab Play PHP

Code injection is one of the most critical web application vulnerabilities. Indeed, the consequences of code injection can be dramatic (impact). Moreover, still today a lot of web applications are vulnerable to code injection (frequency). Finally, some tools like SQLMap allow to automatically detect and use these vulnerabilities (exploitation). For this reason, the vulnerability is listed in the top 10 published by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) [1]. In this blog post, we will present one type of code injection, called SQL injection, and we will show how to perform a SQL injection attack with SQLMap.

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