Jan 28, 2024 by Thibault Debatty | 7045 views
In a previous blog post, we have seen how PXE network boot works, and how to implement PXE boot for devices with a (classical) BIOS. For this purpose, we used SYSLINUX/PXELINUX. However, SYSLINUX/PXELINUX is usually not working well with modern UEFI devices. Hence in this blog post, we will show how to use iPXE to implement network boot for UEFI devices.
As a reminder from the previous blog post, here is how PXE network booting usually works, and also the different steps of this blog post:
The first step is to configure your DHCP server to transmit required information. We show this below for ISC DHCP server (the default DHCP server on a Ubuntu server). If not done yet, install the DHCP server:
sudo apt install isc-dhcp-server
Then modify the configuration file /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf and configure your subnet according to your needs:
subnet netmask {
option routers;
option domain-name-server;
# TFTP server
option tftp-server-name "";
# bootloader
option bootfile-name "ipxe.efi";
# in some situations, you may have to use snponly.efi (see below)
#option bootfile-name "snponly.efi";
In this example,
is the address of the TFTP server. Don’t forget to restart the server:
sudo service isc-dhcp-server restart
We can now install the tftp server:
sudo apt install tftpd-hpa
You should also increase the verbosity by modifying the config file /etc/default/tftpd-hpa and and the option --verbose
TFTP_OPTIONS="--secure --verbose"
And don’t forget to restart the server:
sudo service tftpd-hpa restart
As you could also see from the file, the root directory for serving files is /srv/tftp
iPXE [6] aims to implement an improved version of PXE directly on network cards. However, at the time of writing iPXE is not integrated in existing network cards, which means you have to flash the PXE ROM on your network card yourself. Once done, you typically don’t need an intermediate bootloader anymore.
You can also chainload into iPXE to obtain the features of iPXE without the hassle of reflashing. This means you are using iPXE as intermediate bootloader…
When compiling iPXE, different artifacts are produced [3]:
is the main artifact that contains all UEFI drivers, and is the most commonly used;snponly.efi
can also be used for chainloading boot, if ipxe.efi
is not working (in my experience, it was the case when running test using VirtualBox). It uses different networking functionalities from UEFI, namely SNP (Simple Network Protocol) or NII (Network Interface Identifier Protocol). It will only find and boot the specific NIC device it was chained from;snp.efi
is the same as snponly.efi
but tries to boot all devices and not just the one it was chained via;undionly.kpxe
is the equivalent of snponly.efi
, but for BIOS devices.As mentioned, ipxe.efi
is the main iPXE artifact, but we will also download snponly.efi
in case we need it for our devices:
curl -O http://boot.ipxe.org/ipxe.efi
curl -O http://boot.ipxe.org/snponly.efi
sudo cp ipxe.efi /srv/tftp
sudo cp snponly.efi /srv/tftp
We can now test the current configuration… but there is a catch! Remember that iPXE is meant to replace the PXE stack on network cards, so it starts by contacting a DHCP server, then download and execute the indicated file. So this causes an infinite loop where iPXE keeps downloading and executing iPXE.
There are 2 ways to break this loop:
Indeed, when DHCP client send a DHCP request message, they also provide information about themselves. So here is how to configure ISC DHCP server for this purpose. Edit /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf and change the tftp section to:
# TFTP server
option tftp-server-name "";
if exists user-class and option user-class = "iPXE" {
filename "tftp://";
} else {
option bootfile-name "ipxe.efi";
We can now create the actual boot script for iPXE /srv/tftp/menu.ipxe. Here is an example :
set server_ip
set root_path /pxeboot
menu Select an OS to boot
item ubuntu-22.04-server Install Ubuntu 22.04 Server
item exit Exit iPXE and continue BIOS boot
item reboot Reboot computer
choose --default exit --timeout 10000 option && goto ${option}
set os_root os-images/ubuntu-22.04
kernel http://${server_ip}/${os_root}/vmlinuz
initrd http://${server_ip}/${os_root}/initrd
imgargs vmlinuz initrd=initrd root=/dev/ram0 ip=dhcp cloud-init=disabled url=https://releases.ubuntu.com/jammy/ubuntu-22.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso
As you can see, iPXE is able to download the kernel and initramfs from a HTTP server. You can find the semantics and other possibilities on the website of iPXE [7].
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