CYLAB at the ARES conference 2024

Aug 9, 2024 by Georgi Nikolov | 432 views

AI Cyber Situation Awareness Conference

Members of the Cyber Defence Lab attended this year’s edition of the “International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security ARES 2024” that was held in Vienna, Austria. They presented two papers in the field of AI and Cyber Situation Awareness.

The two members of Cylab who attended the ARES conference were Raphaël Simon and Georgi Nikolov, representing the Royal Military Academy and the Cyber Defence Lab with the work they have done in their respective fields of research.

Raphaël presented a Synthetization of knowledge (SoK) paper, reviewing the advancement in the use of AI for Autonomous Penetration Testing titled SoK: A Comparison of Autonomous Penetration Testing Agents. 20240801_084717.jpg

Georgi presented a paper discussing the advancements of applying the theory of Situation Awareness to the cyber domain and the methodologies for its evaluation, titled Evaluation of Cyber Situation Awareness - Theory, Techniques and Applications. signal-2024-08-01-15-52-41-748.jpg

Both papers were a big success and we aim to further our work and continue to expand on it through publications, collaborations and future attendance at various conferences!

If you have any questions regarding the papers or the work presented in them, you can contact the authors, who will be happy to answer your queries.

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