
Cyber Security Challenge : Qualifiers

CSC News

The qualifiers of the Cyber Security Challenge 2023 took place last week-end. Congratulations to the teams from the Royal Military Academy and the Université Libre de Bruxelles who ranked 1st, 4th and 5th, out of almost 300 participating teams!

2022 in numbers


Another year has passed, with once again some achievements! Here is

We are coaching students for the Cyber Security Challenge

News Press review CSC

We are currently organizing coaching sessions in preparation for the Cyber Security Challenge that will take place in March. Students from the Royal Military Academy and from Molengeek are participating. Check the publication on BelDefNews...

Conference on digital transformation, cybersecurity and resilience : Digilience 2022


This week we are presenting 3 papers at Digilience 2022, the conference on digital transformation, cybersecurity and resilience, in Plovdiv (Bulgaria):

Cyber Security Evening

News CSC

Yesterday we organized the 2nd session of our cyber security evening. This series of events is a collaboration between the Royal Military Academy and MolenGeek. It aims to contribute to the preparation of the future generation of cyber specialists.

Cyber Security Challenge 2022

News CSC

Cyber Security Challenge 2022 will start in March 2022! It's time to register...

2021 in numbers


2021 was (again) a special year for everybody. For us as well, but we managed to achieve some results! Here is

ICONS2021 : Best paper award!


Our paper entitled Adversarial Training for Deep Learning-based Intrusion Detection Systems presented at the International Conference on Systesm (ICONS2021) has received the best paper award!

Training session GIT, GitLab and CI

News Training GitLab

We are organizing a new training session on git, GitLab and Continuous Integration (CI) for Python developers.

Foreing powers are using COVID to harm European countries and industries

News SOCMINT Fake News

In a report published last year, the Belgian State Security (VSSE) indicates that foreign powers, including Russia, are using Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) to spread fake news about the COVID-19 crisis.

Cyber Security Challenge

News CSC

The Cyber Security Challenge is a Capture The Flag (CTF) competition for teams of maximum 4 students. Over a limited timeframe, the teams must solve challenges covering a wide range of security issues, e.g. cryptography, reverse engineering, network security, web or mobile application security, wireless and forensics analysis.

2020 in numbers


2020 was a special year for everybody. For us as well, but luckily in a good way: this year saw the realisation of a few achievements. Here is 2020 in numbers @

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