
Training session GIT, GitLab and CI

News Training GitLab

We are organizing a new training session on git, GitLab and Continuous Integration (CI) for Python developers.

Automated web application testing with PHP, Selenium and GitLab

PHP GitLab

The easiest way to test that a web application is working correctly is to use a browser and manually go through the pages. If one wants to automate the testing process, there are conceptually two possible approaches: 1) using raw HTTP requests to simulate a browser or 2) using some library and code to drive an actual browser.

Run your Laravel app with docker-compose

Laravel Docker PHP

Docker-compose is an elegant way to run a Laravel app. It allows to define and run the different services: the main web app, a MySQL database and a redis server. There are however a few tricks to solve: how to run the database migrations, how to run the queue worker and the scheduler?

Opportunities of COVID-19 (mis)information


The ongoing COVID-19 crisis is being discussed a lot on social media platforms. Researchers and social media platforms a like make use of the online conversation to increase their situational awareness about the continuously evolving situation. At the same time, foreign powers or special interest groups have also been observed of piggybacking the large scale discussion to spread fake news and/or misinformation.

Installing the cyrange Cyber Range platform

Cyrange Cyber Range

cyrange is a Cyber Range platform built on top of VirtualBox. Like some other tools, it has a web interface that allows to deploy and manage virtual machines.

Laravel migrations tips

Laravel PHP

When developing a Laravel application, it's quite common to run the development (and test) version with a SQLite database, and the production version with a MySQL database. Normally, the migrations will take care of creating the correct database schema. However, there are a few caveats.

Foreing powers are using COVID to harm European countries and industries

News SOCMINT Fake News

In a report published last year, the Belgian State Security (VSSE) indicates that foreign powers, including Russia, are using Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) to spread fake news about the COVID-19 crisis.

Cyber Security Challenge

News CSC

The Cyber Security Challenge is a Capture The Flag (CTF) competition for teams of maximum 4 students. Over a limited timeframe, the teams must solve challenges covering a wide range of security issues, e.g. cryptography, reverse engineering, network security, web or mobile application security, wireless and forensics analysis.

Check your PHP dependencies for vulnerabilities


Enlightn Security Checker is a composer tool that uses the Security Advisories Database to check your dependencies for known vulnerabilities. It is actually the same database that is used by GitHub Action "PHP Security Checker". Here is how you can use it locally or with GitLab.

Continuous Deployment with GitLab and Laravel Envoy

Laravel PHP GitLab

There are multiple ways to implement Continuous Deployment (CD) for a Laravel project. The current trends consists in deploying containers to a kubernetes cluster. In this blog post however, we will present the good old way: we will use Laravel Envoy to deploy our code directly to our server(s). This method has the advantage of simplicity as it does not require to build containers, nor does it require a kubernetes cluster: Laravel Envoy uses a simple SSH connection to the target server(s) to perform the deployment.

Multi-Agent Ranking framework : test the online demo


The Multi-Agent Ranking framework (MARk) is a generic server that allows to easily build large scale detection and ranking systems. It provides a web interface, a distributed execution framework for detection algorithms, storage for data and detection results, and an easy to configure triggering mechanism.

Automatic UML diagram generation for Maven projects


Documenting your project is an important part of good software development. Creating and maintaining UML diagrams is one of the things to do. Luckily, there is a maven plugin that does this automatically for you...

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