
Building Your Bash Toolkit: Simplifying Key-Value Extractions with `extract_value`

CSC bash Tools Bash-Toolkit

In our previous post of the Building Your Bash Toolkit series, we delved deep into the process_args function, a utility that enables our bash scripts to handle both piped and direct inputs effortlessly. With that power in hand, we are set to further simplify some of the common bash scripting tasks.

Building Your Bash Toolkit: Creating a Dynamic Argument Processor in Bash

CSC bash Tools Bash-Toolkit

In the inaugural blog post of our Building Your Bash Toolkit series, we embarked on a journey to simplify our Bash interactions. Today, we dive deeper, introducing a utility function, process_args, that seamlessly merges both direct and piped inputs.

Building Your Bash Toolkit: Getting Started

CSC bash Tools Bash-Toolkit

Welcome to the first installment of our series on developing your own set of Bash tools. For those who frequently work in the terminal, you'll understand the immense value in having a suite of custom tools tailored to your needs. This series aims to guide you in building that toolkit, ensuring you streamline and simplify those recurring actions in the terminal.

Whisper: Speech-to-Text AI

AI Python Tools

For a few months, many new AI tools are released every week (if not every day). This AI model trend began with models able to generate images from a text prompt: MidJourney, Stable Diffusion, and DALL-E for example.

Mitre Att&ck in Practice - Part II : Caldera

Tools Offensive Security Red Teaming

In the first part of Mitre Att&ck in Practice, the Att&ck Navigator and the Atomic Red Team were presented. The Navigator allows to interact with the Att&ck Matrix in a very flexible way. The Atomic Red Team (ART) is a collection of code snippets designed to actually carry out Techniques. The link between an Att&ck Technique and the ART is easily done via the Technique IDs.

Mitre Att&ck in Practice - Part I : Navigator & Atomic Red Team

Tools Offensive Security Red Teaming

One of our previous blog post presented the Mitre Att&ck Framework and the associated Mitre Att&ck Matrix. This post is the first of a set of three that will present how to link the Mitre Framework with open source tools to design and test offensive actions in practice.

MITRE ATT&CK and the ATT&CK Matrix

Tools Offensive Security APT Detection

Defining cyber attacks is a difficult task. They vary in origins, goals and, at first glance, the techniques used might seem very different. Luckily a popular model was defined by Lockheed Martin, still used to this day, which illustrates very well the lifecycle of a typical cyber attack. The Cyber Kill Chain, popular but controversial, defines the 7 principal steps of an attack. There have been many advances, since its original conception, one of which is the wildly acclaimed ATT&CK Matrix for Enterprise.

CyberChef, the Cyber Swiss Army Knife

Tools Teaching Training

Don't remember all the command line tools or which parameters go where? At some point getting lost in all these terminal screens running different algorithms one after the other? Let CyberChef prepare and cook all this for you!

Cloning a disk with CloneZilla


Cloning the old disk or installing the new one from zero? That question crossed many minds and this post might help you finding the answer by explaining how to clone your old disk to a new one using CloneZilla and some disk management tools.

What is and why you should use it


In everyday life we need to constantly keep ourselves reminded of important information. Some people write this information on post-it notes, notebooks or using programs such as Microsoft Word or Google Notes. The problem is, that information is in itself transitive- one piece of data or a note can lead to another one and it can become cumbersome and difficult to follow the trail of information. Our brain works the same way, usually we store information by association- to remember a fact, we try to think, for example, of where we learned the fact, or who told it to us, and follow the links to the information we try to remember.

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