
Multi-Agent Ranking framework version 2 is out


This week we released a new major version of the Multi-Agent Ranking framework (MARk). This version brings two main changes:

Email (in)security

Offensive Security

Sending emails relies mainly on SMTP, the Simple Mail Transfert Protocol. This protocol is actually quite old: the first traces date back from the 70's, and the first standardisation took place in 1982 (RFC 821). It is primarily a very simple and insecure protocol, although multiple additional protocols have developed to protect emails and avoid SPAM. In this blog post we review these different protection mechanisms.

Password guessing with Hydra


A password is like a "key" used to open a specific door or vault. In this vault, there can be different personal documents, pictures, banking information... It is obvious that a user wants its personal documents secure. If the "key", therefore the password, is easy to find, the vault can be as strong as you want, it will be easy to open it.

Install Volatility on Debian, Ubuntu & Mint

Sysadmin Forensics

In this blog post we show how to install the latest (GIT) version of Volatility memory forensics framework on Debian, Ubuntu or Mint.

Compute code coverage for a multi-module maven project with Jacoco


In a previous blog post, we showed how to use Jacoco to check the code coverage of your tests in a maven Java project. If your project is substantial, you will have multiple maven modules. So how can we compute the global code coverage?

Test your Laravel project with GitLab

PHP Laravel GitLab

So you have a Laravel project, and as a good programmer you are using GitLab to manage your code, and you started implementing some phpunit tests. But how to run these tests in GitLab?

Measure ambient temperature with TEMPer and Linux


TEMPer is a temperature sensor that you can plug on the USB port of your computer or server. You can find it online for less than 10 euro, so it is quite cheap, but it is actually very accurate. And here is how to use it on a Linux system.

Compute the code coverage of your tests with java and maven


So you have a java project, and Junit tests. But which lines of your code are correctly tested, and more importantly, which lines are not tested?

Build a bare-metal kubernetes cluster


kubernetes is a very powerful system, with a lot of available plugins to handle different situations. That's why tools like minikube exist that handle the whole configuration for you. In this blog post we show you how it works under the hood, and how to manually configure a kubernetes cluster.

Laravel & Vue.js: Quickstart

Laravel PHP VueJS JavaScript

Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework that lets you extend HTML elements with embedded JS and CSS to easily create complex user interfaces and single page applications. Easy to integrate with Laravel, this is the perfect combination to draw a line between the front and the back ends while making them both powerful.

Welcome to our new researcher!


Today we are welcoming a new colleague! He will work on phishing prevention techniques.

Pwndrop - Self-hosting payloads


A tedious step for all red-teamers is set up a system to upload payloads on the victim's machine. Kuba Gretzky, the author of Evilginx, released a nice tool to simplify this task.

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