
Compute the code coverage of your tests with java and maven


So you have a java project, and Junit tests. But which lines of your code are correctly tested, and more importantly, which lines are not tested?

Build a bare-metal kubernetes cluster


kubernetes is a very powerful system, with a lot of available plugins to handle different situations. That's why tools like minikube exist that handle the whole configuration for you. In this blog post we show you how it works under the hood, and how to manually configure a kubernetes cluster.

Welcome to our new researcher!


Today we are welcoming a new colleague! He will work on phishing prevention techniques.

Dockerize your Laravel app - part 2 : GitLab and multi-stage build

Laravel PHP Docker GitLab

When dockerizing an application, the main goal is to keep images small. Hence the build process should be split in 2 steps:

Press review


The magazine Athena mentioned us in edition 347 of May-June 2020.

Dockerize your Laravel app

Laravel PHP Docker

For this tutorial we will start with a very simple Laravel app that has no database, or that uses a sqlite database located in the storage directory. The main goal is to show you the main pitfalls to keep in mind when dockerizing a Laravel application.

Static code analysis for Laravel

PHP Laravel

In a previous blog post we presented PHPStan, a static code analyzer for PHP. If you are developing a Laravel application, you can of course use PHPStan to validate your code. However, Laravel has a lot of subtleties and auto-magic that make static code analysis challenging. This is where Larastan comes into play: a wrapper around PHPStan that adds support specifically for Laravel.

OWASP Dependency Check for Java

Secure Software Development Java

Besides avoiding bug and vulnerabilities in your own code base, creating a secure app requires you make sure that your app doesn't rely on a library that contains vulnerabilities. In any modern project, you will have hundreds of them! Here comes OWASP dependency check to the rescue!

MASFAD 2 at EDA CapTech Cyber

APT Detection MASFAD

Today we are proud to present the Multi-Agent System for APT Detection project (MASFAD 2) at the first meeting of the Capability Technology Area Cyber (CapTech Cyber) of the European Defense Agency (EDA).

Publish GitLab notifications to Mattermost

Secure Software Development GitLab

Mattermost is a wonderful messaging and collaboration tool for developer teams. It is also a great open source alternative to Slack. In this short blog post we show how to connect Mattermost and GitLab together.

Security Onion : Getting started


Security Onion is a great tool that combines full packet capture, intrusion detection (snort and bro) and the elasticsearch-logstash-kibana (ELK) stack to store and visualize your security data. Let's see how to get started...

We are hiring!

News Jobs

We are looking for a new colleague to help us on a project related to social engineering.

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