
File upload, validation and storage with Laravel

Laravel Cyrange

Laravel is a powerful framework, that offers all functionalities required to implement file upload, validation and storage. Here is a complete and concrete example.

Syntax highlighting with prism.js for your Laravel application


Prism is a light and easy javascript library that allows to integrate code highlighting in your web application. Here is how to install and use it with Laravel...

A light NAT router and DHCP server with Alpine Linux

Cyber Range Sysadmin Cyrange

Alpine Linux is a very light Linux distribution, that can run with less than 100MB of harddisk space. Here is how to configure Alpine Linux to run as a NAT router and DHCP server.

Network reconnaissance with arp-scan

Offensive Security

arp-scan is a simple tool that can be used list the IP addresses (and devices) used in a network. It works by sender ARP 'who-has' requests for every IP address of the subnet. If the IP address is used by a device, it will reply with an ARP 'reply' packet.

Notifications with toastr and Laravel


toastr is a JavaScript library that allows to display nice user notifications in your web application. In this blog post we will see how to integrate toastr in a Laravel project.

Cyrange : scenarios


Today we released version 1.1.0 of the cyrange Cyber Range platform. This version brings an important new feature : scenarios. A scenario allows to define a large scale exercise, involving multiple virtual machines, that can be interconnected using a complex network. Moreover, to run the exercise, the cyrange platform will deploy a copy of each defined VM for each trainee. Let's see how...

We are hiring an IT expert !

News Jobs

We are looking for a new colleague!

DNS over HTTPS and DNS over TLS with dnsdist


DNS is a real corner stone of privacy and security on the Internet! From the security point of view, DNS is used by your machine to link a domain name to an IP address. DNS is also used to find the email server of a recipient (using MX records). On a desktop computer, DNS is used by email clients to perform auto-configuration. Over the Internet, DNS records are used to prevent BGP hijacking (using RPKI). The list is long! From the privacy point of view, the DNS queries sent by your computer offer a clear view of the services you use.

Laravel action/access control with policies

Laravel PHP

When developing a web application with Laravel, you will usually have to deal with different users, that have different permissions. If the application is quite simple, with only 2 types of users (administrators that are almighty and regular users that have no permission) you can use a middleware to protect your administrator's area. In this blog post we look at Laravel policies, that allow fine-grain control of user actions.

Network monitoring : log DNS queries with bind

Monitoring Sysadmin

Recording the DNS queries perform by devices on your network is a simple and efficient way of monitoring your network. In this blog post we show how to configure the bind DNS server to log these...

Cyber Security Evening

News CSC

Yesterday we organized the 2nd session of our cyber security evening. This series of events is a collaboration between the Royal Military Academy and MolenGeek. It aims to contribute to the preparation of the future generation of cyber specialists.

Cyrange : firewall configuration

Cyrange Cyber Range

The cyrange Cyber Range is composed of multiple docker containers. After installation, here is how to configure your firewall to allow communication between the different components...

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