
Phising with 2FA bypass using Evilginx

Phising is a well-known method used by hackers to steal usernames and passwords by imitating a website. Due to the increasingly widespread use of two-factor-authentication methods (2FA), the majority of users think it is no longer possible to be phished. This feeling is reinforced by the fact that more and more websites are using HTTPS protocol by default. This article will show it is still possible to be phished, even with 2FA and a HTTPS connection.

An introduction to Laravel ORM : Eloquent

PHP Laravel

When working with an object oriented language, like PHP, Java or Python, an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool allows to automatically convert model objects into rows in a database and vice-versa. It allows to easily save objects in a database, without worrying about writing appropriate SQL requests.

Using Laravel with a SQLite database

Laravel PHP

For a development environment or for small web applications, a SQLite database may be perfectly sufficient to store your data. It is also much lighter than a full blown MySQL database.

Using custom Docker images with GitLab

Docker GitLab

One of the interesting features of GitLab is the possibility to automatically run tests when code is pushed to the repository (Continus Integration):

GitLab : Quickstart


GitLab is a git repository management tool, like GitHub or BitBucket. Like them, it offers issue tracking and wikis. However, GitLab also offers some very powerful features like Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD).

A java introduction to OrientDB document database


OrientDB is a NoSQL document database, like the very popular MongoDB. It has some very interesting additional features:

Students projects 2017-2018

Today 6 students from the Master in CyberSecurity presented their project:


We are proud to present 2 papers at the International Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems (ICMCIS) in Warsaw:

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