
Configure Apache reverse proxy in front of cyrange


In a previous blog post, we showed how to install cyrange cyber range web interface using docker-compose. So now the cyrange Docker container is exposed on port 8080 on your server, and the guacamole container is exposed on port 8081. In this blog post we show how to configure Apache as a reverse proxy in front of your containers.

Laravel optimization : self-hosted fonts


By default, Laravel (and Bootstrap) applications use fonts (like Nunito or Raleway) that are provided and hosted by Google. This is easy to use for developers, but comes with some drawbacks, including a performance penalty. Luckily, there is an open source project that makes it simple to use self-hosted fonts:

Deploy Loki on Kubernetes, and monitor the logs of your pods

Kubernetes Monitoring DevOps

Loki is a log database developed by Grafana Labs. In a previous blog post we have shown how to run Loki with docker-compose. In this blog post we will deploy Loki on a Kubernetes cluster, and we will use it to monitor the log of our pods.

Cyber Security Challenge 2022

News CSC

Cyber Security Challenge 2022 will start in March 2022! It's time to register...

Getting started with Helm


Helm is a template engine that can be used to deploy applications on a Kubernetes cluster. It allows to build a customized kubernetes resources definition, that can be deployed on your cluster. But helm has actually many other functionalities, to handle the whole process of building, distributing, installing and managing Kubernetes applications.

Apache : log real IP addresses behind a reverse proxy


It's quite common now to run your web application behind a reverse proxy or a loadbalancer. This is typically the case if you are running your application in a Kubernetes cluster. In this case, the IP address that is logged by Apache is the IP of the proxy server, which is quite misleading and useless. To get Apache to log the real IP address of the clients, you will have to enable and configure the module remoteip.

Laravel optimization : reduce CSS size


CSS files are a render blocking resource: the browser waits for your CSS files to be downloaded before rendering the page. This means that, as long as the browser is downloading CSS, the user is waiting in front of a black page...

2021 in numbers


2021 was (again) a special year for everybody. For us as well, but we managed to achieve some results! Here is

Run a development environment for Laravel with docker-compose

Laravel Docker

Developing and testing a Laravel project requires to install a substantial number of tools, with the correct version of each: PHP, composer, MySQL database, NPM etc. Moreover, for a substantial project, you will also have to run and test a queue worker and a scheduler. This can become quite complex and long to setup. In this blog post we show how to use docker-compose to run all of these in a single command line...

We are hiring an IT expert

News Jobs

We are hiring a new colleague!

Defer, async and inline javascript


In this blog post, we explain and illustrate the effect of the defer and async attributes.

Save the planet : disable Facebook email notifications!

Green Computing

I consider myself a moderate Facebook user : I check my account roughly once a week, and I actually post something on my wall once a month, at best... And still, I receive approximately 20 emails per day notifying me that "Chuck Norris is a new friend suggestion" or "Mark Zuckerberg posted a new update". This is represents more than 7000 emails per year.

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