
Mobile Device Security Training

Training Stay Home Offensive Security Mobile Device Security

On Wednesday 15 April 2020, we are organizing a special training session dedicated to Mobile Devices Security.

Cyber Range release 0.0.22

Cyrange Cyber Range

Today we released version 0.0.22 of our Cyber Range tool.

Stealthy website scanning thanks to

Offensive Security

Scanning a website is an important step of the reconnaissance phase. Different tools, like BlackWidow, can automate the process. We present here another tool that allows to scan a website without leaving traces on the target servers : waybackurls.

Laravel : Quickstart

Laravel PHP

Laravel is an extremely powerful PHP framework for building web applications, but the first steps can be quite intimidating. In this tutorial we guide you through the first steps to get you started as a breeze.

Static code analysis in PHP (and GitLab)

PHP GitLab Secure Software Development

In the PHP toolbox for testing, you'll often find phpunit for unit testing, PHP_CodeSniffer for code style analysis, and here we present PHPStan for static code analysis.

Information gathering with BlackWidow

Offensive Security

BlackWidow is a python script that automatically crawls a website to gather information like phone numbers, email addresses, form URL's etc. Very useful during the reconnaissance phase!

MARK release 0.0.28


Today we released version 0.0.28 of our Multi-Agent Ranking Framework (MARK).

Manage VirtualBox with PHP


phpVirtualBox is a well known web interface for managing virtual machines. There is however another less known library that allows to manage virtual machines from your own PHP applications : php-vbox-api. The API allows you to do stuff like:

Understanding Laravel middleware : admin users

Laravel PHP

In Laravel, a Middleware is basically a piece of code that should be executed for every http request. Middlewares are typically used to:

Distributed k-nn graphs and similarity search


Today we are presenting distributed k nearest neighbors (k-nn) graphs and similarity search algorithms at the ULB.

Modify your static IP on Ubuntu server


This seems easy, but... When you modify your static IP address in /etc/network/interfaces, the old IP is not removed. The new IP is simply added to your interface.

Disable user registration in your Laravel application


Laravel is a powerful framework that comes with a lot of boilerplate code to handle most common cases. One of these is users management (register, login, reset password etc.)
