
Network boot for UEFI devices with iPXE

Sysadmin Linux

In a previous blog post, we have seen how PXE network boot works, and how to implement PXE boot for devices with a (classical) BIOS. For this purpose, we used SYSLINUX/PXELINUX. However, SYSLINUX/PXELINUX is usually not working well with modern UEFI devices. Hence in this blog post, we will show how to use iPXE to implement network boot for UEFI devices.

Understand and implement PXE network boot

Linux Sysadmin

PXE is a powerful system that allows to boot a system from the network. The applications are numerous : install a system from the network, create diskless or kiosk systems. But the system is pretty complex! In this blog post we will explain how network booting works, and show an example to allow interactive installation of Ubuntu 22.04 server from the network...

Create a handler for opening special URLs like 'ssh://'

Linux Sysadmin

Sometimes when using a web application you may encounter a special URL that does not start with http or https, like ssh:// for example. On a mobile device, your phone will usually open the appropriate application to handle this URL. Here is how to achieve the same on a Linux computer.

The P4 language - Overview of P4 programming


This second blog post gives an overview of P4 programming by illustrating some of the key concepts found in most P4 programs, from header declaration to packets deparsing.

The MARK python client

MARk Python

We have released version 2.0.0 of our Multi-Agent Ranking Framework Python client!

The P4 language - The basics of P4 language


Programming Protocol-independent Packet Processors (P4) is a domain-specific language for network devices, specifying how data plane devices (switches, NICs, routers, filters, etc.) process packets. P4 programs are designed to be implementation-independent: they can be compiled against many different types of execution machines such as general-purpose CPUs, FPGAs, system(s)-on-chip, network processors, and ASICs.

Velociraptor : hunt malwares as a pack

Forensics Sysadmin Linux

Velociraptor is a digital forensic and incident response tool that allows to collect information on multiple endpoints at once, and easily analyze the collected data using Notebooks and a query language (called Velociraptor Query Language, VQL), which is very similar to SQL. This makes Velociraptor a valuable tool for threat hunting over a large network.

Explore the SAM hive with Regedit (and Sysinternals)

Windows Sysadmin Forensics

The Windows Registry is a kind of database that stores a lot of important configuration parameters for Windows and installed applications. The specific of this database is that the data is actually stored in different files called hives. One of these is the SAM (Security Account Manager) hive, which stores, among others, user passwords. Let's explore this hive a little..

Install Sysinternals

Windows Sysadmin Forensics

Sysinternals is a collection of powerful utilities for Windows. They can be used by system administrators to perform local or remote system administration, and also by analysts to perform some forensics tasks. The tools were originally developed by Mark Russinovich, and are now maintained by Microsoft. Here is how to install them...

Using TryHackMe Cyberrange for CSC Workshops


For cyber security training, it's beneficial to create accounts on well-known cyberranges that offer both free and paid training:

How to make your machine trust your self-signed certificates?

Linux Python OpenStack

If you ever tried to set up a web application on your local machine with a secure connection (using HTTPS), you likely generated self-signed TLS certificates. When you create your own self-signed certificate, or even when the application you're using generates the certificate itself, your operating system (OS) will likely not trust the certificate. Consequently, also your other applications will not trust the certificate.

Onderzoeker cybersecurity & AI

Jobs News

Bij Cylab zijn we op zoek naar een voltijdse onderzoeker in het domein van cybersecurity met een masterdiploma cybersecurity, informatica, computerwetenschappen of equivalent. Iets voor jou? Lees vooral snel verder! Voor een eerste project, onder de noemer "AI for Cyber", is het de bedoeling om verschillende nieuwe technieken uit het domein van artificiële intelligentie (AI) te bestuderen, vergelijken en toe te passen bij de bescherming van onze systemen tegen cyberaanvallen.

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