
A Practical Introduction to eBPF

Linux Sysadmin

Have you ever wanted to enhance your favorite distribution kernel with debugging, tracing, networking, security or plenty of other features without going through a long approval/testing/integration process managed by the Linux community? The extended Berkeley Package Filter (eBPF) is a Linux kernel feature that aims at running user-space code (eBPF programs) in the kernel, safely and efficiently, via the in-kernel eBPF machine. Let's discover how to build such programs.

Performance of virtual storage (part 2) : QEMU

Virtualization Linux Sysadmin

In a previous blog post, I evaluated the performance penalty of virtual storage. I compared different host filesystems and different hypervisors (including QEMU). The conclusion was pretty harsh: in all tested configurations, virtual disks are almost 10 times slower than host drives. In this blog post, I will test additional QEMU configuration options, to see if I can get better results...

Webinar RMA

Blockchain APT Detection

A few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to present a short webinar on two topics currently under research in our department:

Performance penalty of storage virtualization

Virtualization Linux

In a previous blog post, I showed how to use sysbench to benchmark a Linux system. I ran the tool on various systems I had access to, and I was staggered by the performance penalty of virtual storage: a virtual disk (vdi) is roughly 10 times slower than the actual disk it is reading from or writing to. In this blog post, I want to show the results of some additional tests that, sadly enough, will only confirm this observation...

Virtual Machine Manager : the graphical interface for QEMU

Virtualization Linux

When discussing desktop hypervisors, one usually think to the main commercial players: VMware Workstation, VMware Fusion (for Mac), Hyper-V (built-in Windows) and VirtualBox. Actually, on Linux QEMU/KVM is also a solution thanks to the Virtual Machine Manager.

Linux kernel threads and processes management : task_struct


In a previous blog post, I have shown how to create a Linux kernel module. This time I will show how the Linux kernel uses a task_struct to manage threads and processes. To illustrate, I will show how a kernel module can access and alter these, and thus also alter the inner working of the Linux kernel.

Create a Linux kernel module

Linux Sysadmin

In a previous blog post, I presented how to build your own Linux kernel. This time I will show how to create, compile and load a very simple kernel module...

IPFS-API: a go IPFS RPC API client

Blockchain golang

If you already research about web3 and decentralization, you probably stumbled on the Inter Planetary File System (IPFS). However if you wanted to use the API provided by the IPFS in one of your go program, you probably went crazy trying to understand how to use the API to finaly realize the documentation is not even up to date and refer to deprecated library. The IPFS-API module try to fill this gap and provide a basic yet simple to use package to interact with an IPFS RPC API endpoint.

Optimising Python programs with py-spy and timeit

Python RL

Reinforcement Learning environments need to be as fast as possible such that the agent can execute many steps in a very short amount of time. This is important since some problems the agent requires several million or even billions of steps before it converges.

Compile and install the Linux kernel

Linux Sysadmin

In this blog post I will show how to configure, compile and install a custom Linux kernel.

Get started with Laravel Sail

Laravel PHP Docker

Running an complete Laravel development environment requires multiple services: web server, database server, queue worker etc. Laravel Sail helps you install and use all these using docker containers. Here is how to use it...

Systemd : Basic concepts

Linux Sysadmin

Systemd is now the defacto standard init process on Linux systems. It is responsible for starting all required services... In this blog post we will present the basic concepts of systemd : basic usage, units and dependencies.

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