Wim Mees

Detection of APTs through the use of Visual Analytics with the MASFAD framework

Tech Report

Georgi Nikolov, Wim Mees


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Adv-Bot: Realistic Adversarial Botnet Attacks against Network Intrusion Detection Systems

Journal paper

Islam Debicha, Benjamin Cochez, Tayeb Kenaza, Thibault Debatty, Jean-Michel Dricot, Wim Mees



Detection of previously unknown Advanced Persistent Threats through Visual Analytics with the MASFAD framework

Conference paper

Georgi Nikolov, Wim Mees


2023 International Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems

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TAD: Transfer learning-based multi-adversarial detection of evasion attacks against network intrusion detection systems

Journal paper

Islam Debicha, Richard Bauwens, Thibault Debatty, Jean-Michel Dricot, Tayeb Kenaza, Wim Mees



Detection through Visualization for the Multi-Agent System for APT Detection

Conference paper

Georgi Nikolov, Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees


Digital Transformation, Cybersecurity, And Resilience DIGILIENCE 2022

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Cyber red teaming: overview of Sly, an orchestration tool

Conference paper

Paloma de la Vallée, Georgios Iosifidis, Wim Mees


Digital Transformation, Cybersecurity, And Resilience DIGILIENCE 2022


Evaluation through deployment of the Multi-agent System For Advanced Persistent Threat Detection framework in a Cyber Range environment

Conference paper

Georgi Nikolov, Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees


Digital Transformation, Cybersecurity, And Resilience DIGILIENCE 2022

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Sector-Specific Training - A Federated Maritime Scenario

Conference paper

Paloma de la Vallée, Georgios Iosifidis, Andrea Rossi, Marco Dri, Wim Mees


Communications in Computer and Information Science - MCSS2022


Deploying and testing the Multi Agent Ranking Framework

Tech Report

Georgi Nikolov, Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees


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Detect & Reject for Transferability of Black-box Adversarial Attacks Against Network Intrusion Detection Systems

Conference paper

Islam Debicha, Thibault Debatty, Jean-Michel Dricot, Wim Mees, Tayeb Kenaza


Third International Conference on Advances in Cyber Security (ACeS2021)

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Adversarial Training for Deep Learning-based Intrusion Detection Systems

Conference paper

Islam Debicha, Thibault Debatty, Jean-Michel Dricot, Wim Mees


The Sixteenth International Conference on Systems (ICONS 2021)

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Comparison of a Supervised Trained Neural Network Classifier and a Supervised Trained Aggregation Function Classifier

Conference paper

Alexandre Croix, Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees


The Twelfth International Conference on Evolving Internet (INTERNET 2020)

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Efficient Intrusion Detection Using Evidence Theory

Conference paper

Islam Debicha, Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees, Jean-Michel Dricot


The Twelfth International Conference on Evolving Internet (INTERNET 2020)

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Evaluation of a Multi-agent Anomaly-based Advanced Persistent Threat Detection Framework

Conference paper

Georgi Nikolov, Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees


The Twelfth International Conference on Evolving Internet (INTERNET 2020)

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Cybersecurity Space Operation Center: Countering Cyber Threats in the Space Domain

Book chapter

Salvador Llopis, Robert Mazzolin, Ioannis Kechaoglou, Douglas Wiemer, Wim Mees, Jean Muylaert


Handbook of Space Security - Policies, Applications and Programs - Second Edition



Building a Cyber Range for training CyberDefense Situation Awareness

Conference paper

Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees


2019 International Conference on Military Communications and Information

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Training a multi-criteria decision system and application to the detection of PHP webshells

Tech Report

Alexandre Croix, Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees


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Training a multi-criteria decision system and application to the detection of PHP webshells

Conference paper

Alexandre Croix, Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees


2019 International Conference on Military Communications and Information

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A comparative analysis of visualisation techniques to achieve cyber situational awareness in the military

Conference paper

Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees, Salvador Llopis, Javier Hingant, Israel Pérez, Manuel Esteve, Federico Carvajal


2018 International Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems (ICMCIS)

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Graph-based APT detection

Conference paper

Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees, Thomas Gilon


2018 International Conference on Military Communications and Information

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Achieving cyber situation awareness through a multi-aspect 3D operational picture

Conference paper

Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees, Salvador Llopis


Proceedings of the NATO IST-148 Symposium on Cyber Defense Situational Awareness

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Fast distributed k-nn graph update

Conference paper

Thibault Debatty, Fabio Pulvirenti, Pietro Michiardi, Wim Mees


2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)

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An attempt at defining cyberdefense situation awareness in the context of command & control

Conference paper

Wim Mees, Thibault Debatty


2015 International Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems (ICMCIS)

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Determining the k in k-means with MapReduce

Conference paper

Thibault Debatty, Pietro Michiardi, Wim Mees, Olivier Thonnard


Proceedings of the Workshops of the EDBT/ICDT 2014 Joint Conference (EDBT/ICDT 2014)

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Scalable graph building from text data

Conference paper

Thibault Debatty, Pietro Michiardi, Olivier Thonnard, Wim Mees


Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications

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Building k-nn graphs from large text data

Conference paper

Thibault Debatty, Pietro Michiardi, Olivier Thonnard, Wim Mees


2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)

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Multi-agent system for APT detection

Conference paper

Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees


2014 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops

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On a multicriteria clustering approach for attack attribution

Journal paper

Olivier Thonnard, Wim Mees, Marc Dacier


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Behavioral Analysis of Zombie Armies

Book chapter

Olivier Thonnard, Wim Mees, Marc Dacier


The Virtual Battlefield: Perspectives on Cyber Warfare

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Addressing the attack attribution problem using knowledge discovery and multi-criteria fuzzy decision-making

Conference paper

Olivier Thonnard, Wim Mees, Marc Dacier


ACM SIGKDD Workshop on CyberSecurity and Intelligence Informatics

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Information management for localized disaster relief operations

Conference paper

Wim Mees


ISMCR 2007


Risk management in coalition networks

Conference paper

Wim Mees


Third International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security


Communication and information system for disaster relief operations

Conference paper

Wim Mees, Karin Mertens


Proceedings of ISCRAM 2006 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management

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A distributed automatic scene-analysis system

PhD thesis

Wim Mees


Institut Henri Poincaré - Nancy 1


Detection of defects in a fuzzy knowledge base

Conference paper

Wim Mees


Proceedings of the IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference


Advances in computer assisted image interpretation

Journal paper

Wim Mees, Christiaan Perneel



SAHARA - semi-automatic help for aerial region analysis

Conference paper

Pascal Druyts, Wim Mees, Dirk Borghys, Christiaan Perneel, Marc Acheroy, Juan-Luis Valero


Joint Workshop 'Sensors and Mapping from Space` of The International Society for Photogrametry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)

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Automated interpretation of aerial photographs using local and global rules

Conference paper

Wim Mees, Marc Acheroy


Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE'95) Conference


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